Marin Preda's works represents a reference point for the Romanian village literature, published subsequently. He is well known through his novels due to a interesting summary, an entire ideology and a Romanian typological peasant myth.
He mainly lived close to Cluj Napoca and the Romanian capital, not traveling a lot in Romania, devoting himself to his Bucharest's life.
The itinerary (Source: Modify from Gmaps)
Marin Preda was born in a peasant family of the small village of Siliștea-Gumești, located a hundred kilometers to the West of Bucharest. Marin Preda lived a poor childhood from a reconstructed family, whose father had already two children and the mother three children, Marin Preda was the 5th child.
Between 1930 and 1934, Preda studied at the village school, called Școala Veche. After that, his parents being too poor, he was forced to quit school to work in the family farm and fields. Thanks to that, he familiarized himself with the farmer work and life. This peasant life will inspirate himself to write Morometii book. Nevertheless, passionated by the books, he knew he will not be able to work as peasant.
Scola Veche (Source:
Today, the Marin Preda's house is dilapidated and abandoned.
Marin Preda's house (Source:
As well, in the old school building in SiliÅŸtea-Gumesti, we can find Marin Preda Memorial House inaugurated in 1982 where Marin Preda studied. Inside the house we can find exhibited objects, images and manuscripts that restore his life.
Marin Preda Memorial House (Source:
In 1937, Preda applied for Câmpulung’s school but he was rejected because of his myopia. But in 1939, he joined the Abrud's school, called Școala Normală de Băieți de la Abrud, around hundred kilometers near Cluj Napoca, for one year. It was the librarian Constantin Păun of Miroși, who led to Preda to join this school, impressed by Preda's reading. He got the mark of 10/10, that he allows joining the Cristuru-Odorhei’s school.
Școala Normală de Băieți de la Abrud (Source:
Thanks to his good grades, in 1940 Preda joined the Cristur-Odorhei’s school in Odorheiu for a year, around hundred kilometers near Brașov.
He was interested in Romanian language, mathematics and history. His professor, Justin Salanțiu, presaged Preda "will become a great writer".
In 1940, further to the Vienna Dictate, pupil Preda Marin receives a position for a similar school in Bucharest.
Hereunder, it's show the class of Preda in 1940. The second student on the right, with the hands crossed and the cap is Marin Preda.
Class of Marin Preda in 1940 (Cristur-Odorhei’s school) (Source:
In 1941 he moved to Bucharest after passing his diploma. A year later he occupied the position of editor-in-chief for the Timpul newspaper meanwhile he worked on his scriptures and novels, creating his first novel Calul in 1943.
​From 1943 to 1945 Marin Preda left all his work to make the National Service through Romania. In 1945, after his service, he became sub-editor for the România Liberă newspaper and, as well, employee for the Romanian Writer's Society.
The Writer's Union of Romanian building was the main headquarter of this society, called "Casa Monteoru-Catargi" located in Calea Victoriei 115, Sectorul 1, Bucharest.
Casa Monteoru-Catargi (Source:
In 1952 Preda became editor-in-chief for the Viața Românească magazine, which office was located at nr. 15, strada Nicolae Golescu, Bucharest.
From 1954 to 1970 was his period of composition works where he published lot of works. In 1952 and 1955, Marin Preda received the State prize for the beginning of "Desfasurarea" and "Morometii" books. Between 1954 and 1958, he married and divorced of his two wives and met the future mother of his children.
In 1957 Preda makes a big journey to Vietnam ending up in Pekin. After that big journey, in 1968, he promoted himself being the vice-president of the Writer's Union.
From 1970 he worked like director of Cartea Românească publishing house, named Casa Vernescu located at Calea Victoriei nr. 133, sector 1, Bucharest. Nowadays, the building is a Casino Palace.
In 1975, after being part of the Romanian Academy, he officially moved to live at nr. 21, Strada Pictor Romano Alexandru in Bucharest.
Casa Vernescu (Source:
Marin Preda died the 16th May of 1980, at the age of 58 years old at the creative of writers at Mogosoaia Palace in Mogosoaia and buried in Bellu's cemetery, alley of writers, in Bucharest.
Mogosoaia Palace (Source: